Making the Switch: 3 Strategies to make switching from Paper to Digital logbook pain-free

Discover three strategies to effortlessly transition from a paper logbook to a digital logbook with LogTen, including balance forward, three months + balance forward, and entering every logbook entry. Simplify your logbook management and take your flying career to new heights.

Pilot typing on computer, switching from paper to digital.
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Transitioning from a paper logbook to a digital logbook can be daunting for pilots with years of accumulated flight entries. LogTen offers a seamless solution to help you make the switch without spending countless hours inputting your flight history. In this blog post, we'll discuss three strategies to start your digital logbook with LogTen while maintaining an accurate record of your flying experience.

Option 1: Balance Forward (Easiest Option)

The simplest method to start your digital logbook with LogTen is by using the "balance forward" approach. This involves summarizing your flying experience up to a specific date by entering a few logbook subtotals.

  1. Choose how you'd like to bring your flight time into LogTen. Opt for the most detailed method available, such as entering time for each aircraft type you've flown or creating separate entries for SEL and MEL aircraft.
  2. Create a new flight entry in LogTen with the date you want the balance forward to begin.
  3. Set the "Flight" or "Route" field to "Balance Forward."
  4. Enter the appropriate subtotals in the relevant fields, such as total time, PIC time, night time, and instrument time.
  5. Save the entry.

For more experienced pilots or those with multiple aircraft types, consider creating an individual balance forward entry per aircraft type to maintain a more detailed record.

Option 2: Three Months + Balance Forward

Airlines often require pilots to provide their last three months of logbook entries when applying for jobs. To satisfy this requirement while minimizing data entry, you can use a combination of balance forward and individual flight entries.

  1. Create a balance forward entry as described in Option 1, but set the date to three months before the current date.
  2. Input individual flight entries for the last three months of your flying experience.
  3. Save and maintain your logbook moving forward with individual flight entries.

Option 3: Enter Every Logbook Entry

Entering every logbook entry into LogTen provides you with the most comprehensive digital record of your flying experience. This approach allows you to take full advantage of LogTen's reporting and analysis features. However, it can be time-consuming for pilots with thousands of flight hours.

  1. Begin by entering your earliest logbook entries into LogTen.
  2. Continue inputting each subsequent entry, working your way toward the present.
  3. Save and maintain your logbook moving forward with individual flight entries.
Check out LogTen's "how to" video for detailed information.


Transitioning to a digital logbook with LogTen doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. Choose the strategy that best suits your needs and available data to make the switch smoothly and efficiently. Embrace the benefits of a digital logbook and take your flying career to new heights.

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